Wednesday, 18 April 2012

rainy days

When I flew off to the sunshine at the beginning of March, it was raining - heavily. I peered through murky windows out at the grey Heathrow skies as I waited to board this airbus to Singapore and then onto Australia......and gleefully looked forward to my escape....

By the time I get back I thought, Spring will have arrived. The clocks will have gone forward, the nights will be lighter, and perhaps, just perhaps, the sun will be shining when I get back.

When I arrived back at Heathrow four weeks later it wasn't. Dark grey clouds and torrential rain accompanied me all the way back up the M1 to  home, lovely family, friends and .... reality.

And apart from a few days when the sun popped out briefly to say hello and shot back quickly behind the clouds, it's been raining ever since.

Ironic really ...I've been reading news bulletins declaring that half of England is under drought restrictions and hosepipe bans including Leicestershire where I live.

 On Monday British Waterways even closed a nearby eleven mile stretch of the Grand Union Canal between Aylestone Lock and Kibworth because of the drought.Apparently there's not enough water to keep the boats afloat.

This rain is much needed,I know that, but I'm sitting
 here on a dreary Wednesday morning ...dry admittedly, but feeling cold  and slightly melancholic as I watch the rain bucket down outside in the courtyard.You can't see just how heavy the rain is here in the photo...but last year's geraniums are getting a good free drink.(but don't worry, they'll be back inside tonight!)

Right now, I should be out on the allotment finishing off planting out the potatoes....but I'm not that daft.There are times when it's good to feel the soft rain on your face - but not today.I'd drown.

On the plus side though, the lawn is looking rather lush and my watering cans are full of rainwater!

And at least tonight when I'm reading the late news bulletins, there'll be lots to say in the weather forecast. Rain, wind, hail, a touch of frost, you name it....we've had it here recently.

Still,  wouldn't it be lovely to be able to say that one day this summer  the weather will be ..."SCORCHIO"!

In the meantime, this song by the wonderful Sam Lightnin Hopkins perfectly sums up my somewhat bluesy mood today.....

I give you - Rainy Day Blues


  1. It could be worse. It could be snow. Just imagine how high the snow would be by now! And you could have opted for It Might as well Rain until September as your song. That would get rid of the hosepipe ban though!

  2. Thanks Ros - I do know it could be worse.....yes, and snow is forecast for May!!!You couldn't make it up could you? I don't want to sound miserable, but that's how I felt on Wednesday.I just could't get warm.

    Might as well rain til september - a good song.....but Lightnin Hopkins was in the mood....
